Sample Outline for Object Speech 1Student's Name Title Drumstick Purpose To inform my audience about my object and myself Thesis Statement My object reveals pieces of who I am Preview This drumstick reveals one of my obsessions,The speaking outline is a keyword and phrase outline that helps you deliver your speech and can include speaking cues like "pause," "make eye contact," and so on Write your speech in a manner conducive to speaking Use contractions, familiar words, andA keyword outline is a device used by public speakers to condense major points This is basically a map of the subject matter, using keywords to identify salient points and to ensure correct flow of the speech This is called 'extemporaneous speaking', which isn't a memorized or rote speech, but a more flexible dynamic, used to improve fluency Uiuc Cmn 101 Instructional Speech Keyword Outline Scanned By Camscanner Course Hero Keyword outline example for speech